Why Do Skin Spots Occur?
The concentration of melanin pigment, which gives color to the skin, in one area causes skin spots. This melanin concentration can result from excessive sun exposure or an underlying health condition.
In some cases, a spot may remain due to a dermatological skin disorder or irregular hormonal function. Sometimes, skin spots appear after cosmetic procedures performed by non-dermatologists.
In addition, unconscious use of chemical products on the skin or excessive use of tanning beds can contribute to skin spots. Genetics can also play a role, especially when there is a family history of such conditions.
2. What Methods Can Be Applied in Spot Treatment?
The treatment for skin spots varies depending on the cause. If there is an underlying health condition, a dermatologist will recommend the best course of action, as treating the root issue often resolves related skin problems. Treatment options may include laser/light therapy, chemical peels, and topical creams. Alternatively, camouflage makeup can be used to cover the spots.
Chemical Peeling: In this method, specially developed chemical solutions, primarily glycolic and salicylic acids (often known as fruit acids), are applied to the skin. This treatment can be safely used even for individuals with darker skin tones and mild spot issues. Sessions typically consist of 4-6 applications at 2-4 week intervals.
CO2 Polymer Mask (Spot Mask): The CO2 Polymer Mask is a relatively recent, non-damaging treatment for spot reduction. It is applied for 30 minutes, then removed, effectively reducing sun, age, and pregnancy-related spots.
3. How Is Acne Spot Treatment Done?
Acne is a chronic skin condition that usually begins during adolescence and can continue for years with periods of flare-ups. Acne treatment aims to heal pimples and prevent scarring. Acne vulgaris, which often presents with spots, requires a dual approach: treating both acne and spots. Treatment options depend on the severity and location of the condition, the patient’s age, and preferences. Methods include topical treatments, systemic medications, peels, and laser/light therapy.
- Topical Treatments: Retinol (Vitamin A) and salicylic acid-based topical treatments are available in cream, gel, ointment, or lotion forms. They act only on the application area and are usually preferred for mild acne cases.
4. Which Areas Can Spot Treatments Be Applied To?
Laser/light therapy yields excellent results for spot treatment on all body areas, particularly for sun and age spots on the hands and face. Chemical peels can also be applied to the face and other body parts affected by spots.
5. Is There an Age Limit for Spot Treatment?
Creams for spot treatment can generally be used by anyone except children. However, other cosmetic procedures like chemical peels and laser/light therapy are recommended for individuals over 18.
6. Is Spot Treatment Only Performed in Winter?
Although sunspots are commonly associated with skin spots, other types of spots can also arise due to pregnancy, birth control pills, wounds, burns, and certain skin diseases. Winter is often the preferred season for treating these spots.
A dermatologist should be consulted for spot treatment, as it’s essential to plan the treatment according to the spot type, skin tone, and season. Sun protection must continue throughout the treatment.
While some patients may only need spot-lightening creams, others may require procedures such as chemical peels or laser treatment. The most commonly applied method is a glycolic or salicylic acid peel with fruit acids, which helps flake off stained areas in the upper skin layers over multiple sessions. This peeling process is generally done during the winter months.
7. Can Spots Reoccur After Treatment?
With all spot treatment methods, there is a low probability that spots may reappear in the same area. To minimize this risk, it’s essential to use a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 year-round. Additionally, creams containing Phyllantus Emblica Fruit Extract, a safe herbal ingredient, can help suppress spot formation (e.g., Emlite Active Cream).
When selecting sunscreen, choose a broad-spectrum product that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Opt for a sunscreen with a chemical barrier and Titanium Dioxide, a physical blocker that shields the skin from visible light (e.g., Titanium Dioxide Serum).
8. What Should Be Considered After Spot Treatment?
For lasting results, protecting the skin from harmful sun exposure is crucial. Use SPF 30 or higher sunscreen throughout the year, wear wide-brimmed hats and sun-protective clothing in the summer, seek shade, and avoid smoking to reduce the risk of spots reappearing. Immediately after treatment, avoid any scrubs, peels, or masks that may irritate the skin.
Additionally, consistent vitamin D supplementation may be necessary, especially for those who avoid sunlight and regularly use sunscreen, as their need for this vitamin increases. Vitamin D is essential for healthy hair, nails, and skin. Under a doctor’s supervision, a daily intake of 1000 IU of vitamin D is often recommended.